Yesterday, I celebrated six years at my current job. I also received a stellar annual performance review. Normally, these are things I would’ve shared loud and proud with my friends. Instead, I only told a few people and my wife,…
by Me • • 0 Comments
Fall and Winter mornings have a quality that you often can’t find at other times of the year. Early morning clouds and fog shroud the landscape in a mist that seems to come from another place. If you can block…
Foucault and the Carpool Lane
by Me • • 0 Comments
I stared out the windshield at the gray, dismal sky, watching drops of rain bounce off the hood of my car, much like the silent tears waiting to fall from my own tired eyes. Looking at the clock, I saw…
Prop 8: Playing the Broken Record
by Me • • 0 Comments
You know what starts tomorrow? No? Well, let me tell you. Another trial on Prop 8. I know I don’t need to explain what that is by now. If I do, well, you’ve clearly been living under a rock. Google…
Taking the Bull Out of Bullying
by Me • • 0 Comments
Bullying has been a hot topic for awhile now, with good reason. Turn on the tv and there’s another tragic story about a kid who committed suicide because of bullying. Open a newspaper, and read about how a group of…
Getting What They Wanted
by Me • • 0 Comments
For days now, I’ve debated with myself on whether or not to write about my perspective of how 9/11 has changed this country, this world. I’ve read heartbreaking posts by people who lost loved ones. I have felt like there…
Prop 8 – Equality in America (Terms and Conditions Apply)
by Me • • 0 Comments
“If you are heterosexual, you can enjoy the benefits and rights of a civil marriage.” That’s the disclaimer that opponents of gay marriage would like to see placed in the Constitution. I’m waiting for them to start running ads like,…
[Insert Label Here] – A Commentary
by Me • • 0 Comments
“If you’re [insert label here], you’ll just love [insert stereotyped response here].” “Uh, oh. She’s going off on some rant about labels again.” Yes, indeed I am. But please, don’t cringe. There’s a good reason I’m talking about the evils…
So, Are You Really a Lesbian?
by Me • • 0 Comments
Anybody who knew me before 2006 has probably wanted to ask me this question: Are you really a lesbian? I don’t know how to answer that question adequately without getting into some sort of discussion about things some people probably…
I Am More Than My Gender
by Me • • 0 Comments
How often do we make judgments about people based purely on their gender? I have personally been on the receiving end of such judgments many times recently, and have felt insulted as a result. Am I too sensitive to such…