Monthly Archives: October 2010

The Figure in the Choir Loft

There’s something about old churches that gives me the creeps. Maybe it’s the gargoyles staring down at me. Maybe it’s the unknown history of what has gone on inside the walls. I do know that I’ve been in some churches…

Taking the Bull Out of Bullying

Bullying has been a hot topic for awhile now, with good reason. Turn on the tv and there’s another tragic story about a kid who committed suicide because of bullying. Open a newspaper, and read about how a group of…

Put. Down. The Count Chocula.

What I’m about to confess here will not show me in a favorable light. I admit to having flaws. There are definitely some character weaknesses I’m not entirely proud of. But one thing, one truly insignificant item in the grand…

The Oatmeal Bowl

Work is usually pretty boring for me. I don’t have an office full of fun personalities to talk to or hang out with. Other jobs have been great because I worked with fun people who I’m still friends with today.…

Ghost Ring

For years, the only ghost ring I had was in my ears. An annoying, ever-present buzzing that kept me from sleeping. Silence was never really truly silence. The ringing was there, taunting me, reminding me that it would never go…