Personal Narrative

Dear God

Dear God I have a bone to pick with you. You see, I’ve become extraordinarily disillusioned with you, or the idea of you, a supreme, omnipotent being. I’ve spent a lot of time lately praying, begging, pleading, bargaining, with you…

Ghosts of Boyfriends Past

I had some unexpected visitors the other night. As pleased as I was to have their company for a short amount of time, their visit left me thinking about a lot of things, as it usually does. Most of the…

Compromising Positions: A Holiday Tradition

Halloween is tomorrow, which means Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Ah, the beginning of the holiday season. Visits from family, too much food, shopping, stress. For me, I associate the holidays with compromising positions. It’s something of…

Born-Again Lesbian

It’s not what you think. Really. Actually, maybe it is. Since I can’t read minds, I have no idea what the phrase “Born-Again Lesbian” brings to mind for other people. If it’s anything related to “born-again Christian” – baptisms, a…

Why I Write

I’ve thought a lot about why I want to write. It isn’t just limited to getting pent up crap out of my system, though that has been most of it lately. Writing enables me to express myself in a way…

Thank You, Anne Lamott, Wherever You Are…

I’ve found myself in a funk of late, and haven’t been sure just how to shake it. Between career disappointments, family stress, serious illnesses in the family, financial stress, and a general dissatisfaction for the current state of the world,…