Tag Archive for depression

The House That Depression Built

I have always been a bit broody, a quality that in men is often considered mysterious and attractive. In a woman? Well, let’s just say the adjectives aren’t nearly as kind. It took a long time to understand why I…

Finding Joy in a Shitstorm

Yesterday, I celebrated six years at my current job. I also received a stellar annual performance review. Normally, these are things I would’ve shared loud and proud with my friends. Instead, I only told a few people and my wife,…


You don’t want to be inside this head right now. It is a dark, dark place, full of bad memories that won’t go away. They come at me, out of nowhere. Flashbacks that I can’t control and that I don’t…

Tough Love

There’s something I’ve been struggling with for awhile now. Tough love. When do you give it? How do you give it? Should you give it? There’s a line in Moonstruck that always plays in my head when I feel like…

Making it Personal

A friend told me recently that I need to make my writing less personal. It reminded me of a time nearly 20 years ago when another friend said to me, “I love you and you’re one of my best friends,…


You probably wouldn’t know it just looking at her. By all appearances, she seems happy, successful, and loved. For the most part, she is. But it’s that “happy” part that is toughest for her to pull off. There are moments…

Bipolar is an Evil Disease

My partner is bipolar. She’ll be the first person to tell you that it is an evil disease. I can’t tell you what it is like to have a mental illness that can cause you to do and say things…


Silence was my enemy. In it, the ringing and buzzing in my ears was deafening. During the day, I couldn’t concentrate on much of anything in the silence. At night, I couldn’t sleep because the constant sound kept me awake.…

Why I Write

I’ve thought a lot about why I want to write. It isn’t just limited to getting pent up crap out of my system, though that has been most of it lately. Writing enables me to express myself in a way…