
Kid Bullshit Detector

I think I’ve missed my calling in life. Over the last few years, I’ve really honed my bullshit detector specifically for anyone under the age of 18. I can credit my partner’s kids for helping me develop this skill. Early…

Fall of My Discontent

The season of my discontent is nearing. I can feel it breathing down my neck, taunting me as I steel myself for the probable disappointment that awaits me. There have been glimmers of hope in the past, but I know…

Revenge of the Technical Writer

For the past several work days, I’ve been banging my head against my desk. It is not an attempt to get workers comp and it isn’t because I keep falling down or tripping. No, we are trying to upgrade our…

I’m a Boot Whore

purple boots

I have a confession to make. I love boots. And I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill, admiration love of footwear. No, this love runs deeper. Given the proper economic circumstances, I would spend LOTS of money on boots. Brown boots.…

Bipolar is an Evil Disease

My partner is bipolar. She’ll be the first person to tell you that it is an evil disease. I can’t tell you what it is like to have a mental illness that can cause you to do and say things…

Just Call Me Grace – Part 2

There isn’t a door jamb or wall corner my body hasn’t inadvertantly run into. I have a knack for it, really. If you saw me walking through my house, you’d think I’d been drinking. I wish. No, I just can’t…

Me and My Shadow

Seems there’s this thing following me around all the time. No matter what I do, I just can’t shake the damn pest. Even on cloudy days, I feel it lurking, waiting for an opportunity to show itself. At night, it…

Just Call Me Grace – Part 1

Sometimes I wake up and wonder where the hell the bruises came from. Do I have some ghost haunting me that takes pleasure in leaving little blue and green marks on me? Am I sleepwalking into objects in the middle…

So, Are You Really a Lesbian?

Anybody who knew me before 2006 has probably wanted to ask me this question: Are you really a lesbian? I don’t know how to answer that question adequately without getting into some sort of discussion about things some people probably…