Author Archive for Me


so many words we don’t say acts of protection acts of self-preservation are they unsaid because we fear the words or because we fear the vulnerability behind them so much i want to say i refrain not wanting to scare…


Walking across the threshold, I had no idea I’d be so overcome with emotions. I actually had to stop and compose myself before going any further. It had been about six years since I had stepped foot in a place…

Musical Musings – No Day But Today

Watching an Idina Menzel concert on PBS last week, I was reduced to a blubbering mess during her performance of “No Day But Today” from Rent. People who know me well would probably be surprised to learn that I’ve never…


The first full day I had to myself after my ex moved out, I celebrated. Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of me, I made myself a nice dinner and opened an ’85 Cabernet that had been…


The strangest events can trigger a memory or send you spiraling back into your past, where you are forced to confront ghosts you’d rather ignore. I left my sunglasses at a friend’s home the other evening. It wasn’t until the…

Knick Knacks

Cleaning and reorganizing the garage over the weekend, I came across several boxes of items I had almost forgotten about. With each unpacked layer, I came across wonderful surprises. Some items brought laughter. Others brought tears and bittersweet feelings. Each…


You’d been on my mind a lot. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was the weather. Maybe it was the flu I was fighting. Certain things trigger these thoughts of you without warning. Some days I can easily push them…

Out With the Old…

I’ve been spending a lot of time purging lately. Purging the house and garage of my ex’s things and of the items I no longer want or need. Most of it was acquired during our time together and I don’t…


Disclaimer: The author is not looking for sympathy with this post. It is meant to be a humorous look at the sometimes unwelcome changes in our bodies once we hit a certain age. She does, however, suspect that there will…