Personal Narrative

User Manual for Model EKO-274

About Your New Model Congratulations! You now have you very own EKO-274. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is a limited edition model. This guide is intended to help you get the best out of EKO-274 so that you will…

Communicatus Neurosititis

Sprawled on the massage table, I was doing my best to relax and clear my mind. It worked. For about 10 minutes. After that, I started thinking about how I communicate with other people. Ok, I was obsessing about it.…


You don’t want to be inside this head right now. It is a dark, dark place, full of bad memories that won’t go away. They come at me, out of nowhere. Flashbacks that I can’t control and that I don’t…

Head vs. Heart

Head: So, you ready to talk about this yet? Heart: What’s there to talk about? I haven’t changed my mind. Head: Seriously? How many times do you have to hear “Move on. This isn’t going to work.” before you actually…


Walking across the threshold, I had no idea I’d be so overcome with emotions. I actually had to stop and compose myself before going any further. It had been about six years since I had stepped foot in a place…


The first full day I had to myself after my ex moved out, I celebrated. Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of me, I made myself a nice dinner and opened an ’85 Cabernet that had been…


The strangest events can trigger a memory or send you spiraling back into your past, where you are forced to confront ghosts you’d rather ignore. I left my sunglasses at a friend’s home the other evening. It wasn’t until the…

Knick Knacks

Cleaning and reorganizing the garage over the weekend, I came across several boxes of items I had almost forgotten about. With each unpacked layer, I came across wonderful surprises. Some items brought laughter. Others brought tears and bittersweet feelings. Each…


You’d been on my mind a lot. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was the weather. Maybe it was the flu I was fighting. Certain things trigger these thoughts of you without warning. Some days I can easily push them…