Personal Narrative

Out With the Old…

I’ve been spending a lot of time purging lately. Purging the house and garage of my ex’s things and of the items I no longer want or need. Most of it was acquired during our time together and I don’t…


Disclaimer: The author is not looking for sympathy with this post. It is meant to be a humorous look at the sometimes unwelcome changes in our bodies once we hit a certain age. She does, however, suspect that there will…

I Don’t Do Grief

I don’t do grief. I do denial. I do tortured anguish. I do distraction and avoidance quite well. But grief? Not so much. And after telling others that they need to give themselves time to properly grieve instead of pushing…


It’s time. In fact, it’s long overdue. I’ve needed to purge myself of this, of you, for too long. Today, I took the last of your things to the storage unit. There are no more reminders of you in this…


Hard to believe it’s been one year. Did you think a conversation about a web site would evolve into this? I have to admit, I was giddy when you sent me that message. Not because of the idea of working…

Tough Love

There’s something I’ve been struggling with for awhile now. Tough love. When do you give it? How do you give it? Should you give it? There’s a line in Moonstruck that always plays in my head when I feel like…

Evolution of My Holiday Spirit

Blame it on getting older. Blame it on major changes that have taken place in my life this year. Blame it on my chiropractor, who seems to have restored normal bloodflow to my brain. Whatever the reason, I seem to…


It’s funny how landscapes can bring memories flooding back to you. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last month driving through areas that I used to frequent. The new commute takes me through my college town and the…


Sometimes, it’s hard to get out of our own heads. I’ve certainly had that problem a lot lately. Thinking about the past year, I get caught up in the things I could have done differently, the mistakes I’ve made. It’s…