Personal Narrative


Sometimes, it’s hard to get out of our own heads. I’ve certainly had that problem a lot lately. Thinking about the past year, I get caught up in the things I could have done differently, the mistakes I’ve made. It’s…


Fall and Winter mornings have a quality that you often can’t find at other times of the year. Early morning clouds and fog shroud the landscape in a mist that seems to come from another place. If you can block…


Sometimes I think life would be much simpler if I didn’t have a heart. Not the physical organ that makes it possible for me to be here. No, I’m referring to the metaphorical heart, the thing that makes us feel.…

Leap Year

Do you ever look back at the events of the past year and say, “it’s ONLY been a year?” Sometimes it feels like several years have passed in one. Like this last year. One year ago, I regained my freedom.…

Making it Personal

A friend told me recently that I need to make my writing less personal. It reminded me of a time nearly 20 years ago when another friend said to me, “I love you and you’re one of my best friends,…

Being Still

Being still is not easy for me. I’m not talking about not moving or not being able to just rest. I can laze around the house for days with the best of them. I’m talking about not taking action when…

What If This Was Your Last Day?

Something has been on my mind more than usual lately. Maybe it’s all the turmoil in the world. Maybe it’s a side effect of getting older. Maybe it’s all my neuroses having a party but not inviting me. Whatever the…

Burn, Baby, Burn

I think I’m going to take an unusual approach to Valentine’s Day this year. After all, it will just be me and the dog. It has never been my favorite holiday. I’d rather have small romantic gestures and displays of…

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

I’ve come to the conclusion that my last relationship was like a horrible game of pin the tail on the donkey, except the damn ass never stood still. Yes, trying to meet the ever-changing and never-satisfied demands and moods of…